Saturday 8 June 2013

Top 7 TV character Aliases

7. Lars Honeytoast

This is Twitty's alias on kids TV show Even Stevens. Its nice to see La Baouf's sidekick get the alias rather than the lead. He uses it in the movie, and actually in the TV show as well, when buying shoes from a sneaky salesman

6. Anastasia Beaverhausen

I'm not a massive fan of Will and Grace, but I couldn't leave this one out. Will and Grace may be the leads, but the really loud, crass, over the top lines are usually Jack and Karen's. The show is full on innuendo, and Karen's alias is no exception: Anastasia Beaverhausen.

5. Regina Phalange

As generic as Friends may be, it still throws a nice nod to the geek crew. In various episodes, when Phoebe has to pretend to be someone else, she ends up bringing out her alter ego Regina Phalange. Interestingly she once even delays an aircraft from taking off, by claiming there is something wrong with the plane's 'Phalange'

4. Theodore K. Mullins

I think Winston from New Girl is a very underrated character. He's a wannabe smooth operator, who is also kind of a dork, but somehow he bridges this devide perfectly. He can be cranky without being an old man, and smary without being over the top. I've only seen season 1, but already Theodore K. Mullins has appeared twice, being both Nick and Schmidt's "lover on the down low"

3. H.E. Pennypacker or Dr. Van Nostrand. 

While Jerry Seinfeld sometimes went by the name Kel Varnsen, Cosmo Kramer did more than just change name, he dressed up for his part. His alias was either Dr. Van Nostrand, or H.E. Pennypacker, and often involved smoking a riduculous old pipe and wearing dated tweed jackets. Classic

2. Chuck Finley

The Alias of Burn Notice's Sam Axe character, it is used in every mission where he needs an alias. The name varies, be it Chuck, Charles or Charlie, but it never deviates. As Sam Axe himself once said, "Chuck Finlay is forver." The origin story of the name is found in the Burn Notice movie, 'The Fall of Sam Axe'

1. Art Vandelay

Its only fitting that the best alias of all time, be from the best sitcom character of all time. Step forward George Costanza. Throughout Seinfeld's run, Art has typically been an architect, a marine biologist, or an importer/exporter, and is always Costanza's go to alias. Even when pretending he was working for a corporation, he named it Vandelay Industries

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